Unsupported disk 284
Unsupported option in slot [x]
Unsupported USB hub, please
USB port [x] disabled [56] 284
Weblink server not set up.
Contact system
administrator. 284
printer options troubleshooting
internal option is not
detected 287
internal print server 288
Internal Solutions Port 288
tray problems 289
USB/parallel interface card 290
printer parts
controller board 28
printer problems, solving
basic 285
printer security
information on 236
printer software, installing 53
canceling, from the printer
control panel 94
directory list 94
font sample list 93
forms 88
from a computer 88
from a mobile device 89
from flash drive 90
menu settings page 59
network setup page 59
printing a directory list 94
printing a font sample list 93
printing a menu settings
page 59
printing a network setup
page 59
printing forms 88
printing from a flash drive 90
printing held jobs
from a Macintosh computer 93
from Windows 93
printing slows down 298
where to find 10
Push Button Configuration
using 56
Quality menu 220
Quiet Mode 230
mail options 111
recycled paper
using 83, 229
Lexmark packaging 232
Lexmark products 232
toner cartridges 232
reducing a copy 100
reducing noise 230
Reinstall missing or unresponsive
cartridge [31.xy] 277
Remote Operator Panel
setting up 26
Remove defective disk [61] 277
Remove packaging material,
[area name] 277
Remove paper from standard
output bin 277
removing printer hard disk 45
repeat print jobs 92
printing from a Macintosh
computer 93
repeating defects appear on
prints 311
Replace all originals if restarting
job. 277
Replace cartridge, 0 estimated
pages remain [88.xy] 277
Replace cartridge, printer region
mismatch [42.xy] 277
Replace defective imaging unit
[31.xy] 278
Replace imaging unit, 0
estimated pages remain
[84.xy] 278
Replace jammed originals if
restarting job. 278
Replace last scanned page and
jammed originals if restarting
job. 279
replace maintenance kit to
resume printing [80.xy] 279
replace maintenance kit,
recommended life exceeded
[80.xy] 279
Replace missing cartridge
[31.xy] 279
replace missing fuser [80.xx] 279
Replace missing imaging unit
[31.xy] 279
Replace roller kit [81.xx] 279
Replace separator pad 280
Replace unsupported cartridge
[32.xy] 280
Replace unsupported imaging
unit [32.xy] 280
Replace wiper 281
replacing the toner
cartridge 244, 246
viewing 252
Reports menu 157
reserve print jobs 92
printing from a Macintosh
computer 93
mail options 111
fax options 135
scan options 142
resolution, fax
changing 131
Restore held jobs? 281
restoring factory default
settings 253
RJ11 adapter 124
safety information 7, 8, 9
Save As Shortcut
copy options 106
mail options 111
scan options 142
saving paper 102
Scan document too long 281
scan image
scan options
darkness 142
file name 142
original size 142
page setup 143
resolution 142
Save As Shortcut 142