When the temperature alarm sounds
The icon signals that the temperature has exceeded the preset temperature limit.
a. Press any key to stop temperature alarm.
b. If no key is pressed, the temperature alarm will automatically stop itself after one minute.
c. Once triggered, temperature alarm comes on as a distinctive sound, different to that of Alarm1 and
Copyright © Lexibook 2006
SM1760IM0036 GB13
Copyright © Lexibook 2006
SM1760IM0036 GB14
Animated weather forecast symbols
This weather station is capable of detecting barometric
pressure changes, and based on the data collected, can
predict the weather for the next 12 to 24 hours. The
effective range covers an area of 30 – 50km.
Storm Alert
* The storm symbol will flash to warn of a thunderstorm.
* It is activated when pressure falls/rises and temperature plunges.
About Snow and Freeze Warning
* The snow symbol will flash to warn that it might snow.
* Activated when the temperature of Channel 1 is between -1.9 °C & +2.9 °C.
* The snow symbol will appear solid when the temperature of channel 1 falls below - 1.9 °C, and it is
* The remote sensor set at channel 1 displays the weather forecast icons (as well as the trend indication).
Please place it outdoors.
Your weather station displays the existing atmospheric pressure in hectopascal (hPa). It is commonly
acknowledged that a value of 1015 hPa is the limit between an anticyclone (good weather > 1015 hPa)
and a low-pressure area (bad weather < 1015 hPa).
In order to establish a comparison between pressure values, the latter are expressed in hPa at sea level,
i.e. zero altitude. Ambient pressure varies according to altitude (hence, the altitude at which your home
stands is important). This is why it is possible and perfectly normal to notice a small difference between
the pressure displayed by the MeteoClock® SM1760 unit (not corrected to the local altitude) and the
official values broadcasted by the national weather agency. The reason being that the latter considers
the altitude and corrects the measured pressure (to express it as if it was at sea level).
Therefore, the digital readings shown by this unit must not be regarded as final: What is in fact important
in terms of weather forecast is the evolution and trend of those readings. A significant change in ambient
pressure can be determined by an increase or a reduction of 5 hPa.
• After having completed the settings of your weather station, please discard the readings of the weather
forecast for the next 12-24 hours. This will allow sufficient time for the Weather Station to operate at a
constant altitude and therefore result in a more accurate forecast.
• Absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed regarding weather forecasting. The weather forecasting
feature is estimated to have an accuracy level of about 75% due to the varying areas the Weather
Station has been designed to be used in.
• If the Weather Station is moved to another location significantly higher or lower than its initial standing
point (e.g. from ground floor to 1st floor of a house), remove the batteries and reinsert them after about
30 seconds. By doing this, the Weather Station will mistakenly consider the new location as a possible
change in air pressure. Again, discard the weather forecasts for the next 12-24 hours as to allow time
for operation at a constant altitude.