Please notice that the capacity of the batteries is affected by using the lights.
Press the right indicator switch any time you like to turn right. After turning switch off the
indicator by pressing the same switch again. (See picture 19).
Press the left indicator switch any time you like to turn to the left hand side. After turning
switch off the indicator by pressing the same switch again. (See picture 19).
Flashing warning light
Press the switch for the flashing warning lights (see picture 19) for parking at blind and
dangerous spots. Switching on the flashing warning lights all four lights blink. Press the
switch again for deactivating these lights.
Check the function of all lights at regular intervals. Repair any fault found.
11.8. Horn
To warn other people of your presence press the horn button (see picture 19) and the warning
horn will sound. Please be careful when using the horn. Repeated and inappropriate use will
only upset those around you. Only use the horn as a warning to other people and not as a way
of getting them to move out of your way.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
You must be aware of the effect of electromagnetic interference (EMI) regarding
your LEVO
Please study the following facts carefully.
Electromagnetical interference of transmitter and radio wavelength
Powered wheelchairs might be influenced by strong electromagnetic interference. This
interference is caused by radio and tv stations, amateur radio sets (walkie-talkie), two-way
radios and mobile phones. Interference (especially of radio stations) might have an influence
on the brakes of a powered wheelchair so that they get released and so the chair runs away. It
could also happen that the wheelchair starts driving in a not desired direction or the stand-up
function could operate non-requestedly. There could occur constant damages to the steering
system of the powered wheelchair.
The intensity of power is measured in volt per meter (vpm). All powered wheelchairs are able
to resist to a certain amount of electromagnetic interference. This is called "level of disruptive
strength". The security depends on the level of disruptive strength; the higher the level the
better the protection. Thanks to modern technology the capability of disruptive strength is up
to 20 vpm.
standard version (no further measures) is supplied with a disruptive
strength level of 20 vpm.
is constructed to resisted to a regular level of interference as it occurs in a
household. Beside that there exists a certain number of sources of relatively strong magnetic
fields to which you should stay in a save distance. Some of these magnetic fields are obvious
and easy to avoid. Some other are not easy to be realized and it is hard to stay off at times.