Lift (optional function)
can optionally be supplied with a lifting
function to horizontally raise the seat up to 15 cm / 6". (See
picture 22).
To operate the lift mechanism, with the wheelchair stopped,
press the MODE button (see picture 19) until the red
indicator light comes on at the wheelchair symbol just set at
the seat. This way you select the mode for the lift function.
Whenever the indicator light is on the seat of the wheelchair
symbol, the lift function is activated.
To raise the seat, push the joystick forward. To lower the
seat, pull the joystick backward. To stop at any level of
sitting height just let go of the joystick. To sit as high as
possible, push the joystick forwards until the mechanism
switches off automatically. To lower the seat again just push
the joystick back towards yourself.
Relaxing and lying position (optional function)
can optionally be supplied with a
relaxing and lying function. Activating this function the
backrest reclines and the footrest raises simultaneously.
(See picture 23).
To operate the mechanism for relaxing and lying press the
MODE button (see picture 19) until the red indicator light
comes on at the wheelchair symbol. Move the joystick to
the left or right side until there is a red indicator point only
at the back of the wheelchair symbol. This way you select
the mode for the relax and lying function.
To recline the back and to raise the footplate, pull the
joystick backwards. To get back into the sitting position or
in a more upright sitting position, just push the joystick
forward. To stop in any position between sitting and lying,
let go of the joystick. To be transferred in a total horizontal
lying position (see picture 24; including optional armrest
reclining) pull the joystick backward until the mechanism
switches off automatically. To sit upright again just push
the joystick forwards. (Operate all these functions with the
wheelchair stationary.)
For an easy transfer in the lying position (for example from the bed to the wheelchair or
versus) use the lift function (optional function) to put the chair on an equal height as the other