8.1. Getting into the wheelchair
Make sure the wheelchair joystick module is switched off.
Check if the motor disengaging lever is in the ON position for no movements
of the powered wheels.
Lift up the footplates.
Transfer yourself onto the seat using the armrests for support or have
yourself transferred onto the seat.
Lock the footrests down and rest your feet on them.
Fit the knee support and chest strap.
8.2. Getting out of the wheelchair
Make sure the wheelchair joystick module is switched off.
Check if the motor disengaging lever is in the ON position for no movements
of the powered wheels.
Remove the chest strap and knee support.
Lift up the foot plates.
Transfer yourself in your usual way out of the wheelchair or have yourself
transferred out of the wheelchair.
8.3. Sideways transfer
Drive as close as possible to a chair, bed or any other objects you want to
transfer to.
Make sure the joystick module is switched off.
Check if the motor disengaging lever is in the ON position for no movements
of the powered wheels.
Flip up the footrest of the wheelchair and put your feet on the ground.
Lift up the armrest on the side you are transferring to.
Transfer yourself in your usual way out of the wheelchair or have yourself
transferred out of the wheelchair.