PC Configuration
Dial-up Networking Properties
Log on to network
This setting refers to a logon to a Server on your LAN,
not the login to the LevelOne WBR-1101TX.
This is checked by default, but is not required. Uncheck-
ing this option will speed up the login process.
Enable software compression
Normally, this should be checked, but the LevelOne
WBR-1101TX will function with either Checked or
Required encrypted password
state corresponds to the "PAP" setting
on the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's
setting corresponds to the "MSCHAP"
setting on the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's
Require data encryption
This must NOT be checked.
Network Protocols
NetBEUI and IPX/SPX can be disabled.
TCP/IP Settings
The default settings should not be changed.
Using the Dial-in Connection
1. In
Dial-up Networking
window, double-click the connection to start the dial-in proc-
2. When prompted for a user name and password, enter the Name and Password assigned to
you (this is done on the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's
User Details
3. If the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's
feature is enabled, the connection will then be
terminated, and your modem must wait for the incoming call from the LevelOne WBR-
1101TX's modem.
4. Upon connection, the LevelOne WBR-1101TX will allocate an IP Address to your PC. To
other LAN users and devices, you will appear to be a normal LAN user, but will not be
available via
Network Neighborhood
5. Once connected, you can use the following:
Printing to the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's printing, using the supplied Print Port
Internet access using the LevelOne WBR-1101TX's DSL or Cable modem.
You can connect to Web, FTP and POP3/SMTP E-Mail Servers on your LAN.
You can connect to a PC by using "Remote Control" software such as
PC Anywhere
You can NOT use Microsoft Networking services, such
as logging in to a Windows NT/2000 Server, or using
"Network Neighborhood".