Starting up the device - Configuration
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
BCL 208i
• The "Address Link Label" can be removed from the device and affixed in the installation and layout dia-
grams to designate the device.
• Once it is affixed in the documents, the "Address Link Label" establishes a unique reference between
the mounting location, the MAC address or the device, and the associated control program.
There is no need for time-consuming searching, reading, and manually writing down of the MAC ad-
dresses of every device that is installed in the system.
Each device with Ethernet interface is uniquely identified via the MAC address assigned during
The MAC address is also listed on the name plate of the device.
If multiple devices are commissioned in a system, the MAC address of each installed device
must be correctly assigned, e.g., during programming of the control.
Remove the "Address Link Label" from the device.
If necessary, add the IP address and the device name to the "Address Link Label".
Affix the "Address Link Label" in the documents, e.g., in the installation diagram, according to the posi-
tion of the device.
Performing further settings
Decoding and processing the read data
The device offers the following possibilities:
• Setting the number of labels to be decoded for each reading gate (0 … 64). This is done via the
no. of labels
• Definition of up to 8 different code types. Labels that match one of the defined code types are decoded.
Further parameters can be set for each code type, e.g.
• The code type (
• The
number of digits
Either the number of digits, e.g. 10, 12, 24, or a range (
Interval mode
) and up to three additional
numbers of digits (e.g. 2 … 10, 12, 16, 26)
• The
Reading reliability
: the set value specifies how many times a label must be read and decoded
with the same result before the result is accepted as valid.
• Additional code type specific settings (in the webConfig tool only)
Check digit method
used for decoding as well as the type of
check digit transmission
for the output
of the read result.
: corresponds to the standard for the selected code type/symbology
Not standard
Define at least one code type with the desired settings in the webConfig tool:
Configuration -> Decoder
Data processing via the webConfig tool
In the
submenus of the
main menu, the webConfig tool provides exten-
sive data processing options to adapt the functionality of the device to the specific reading task:
• Data filtering and segmentation in the
• Data filtering according to characteristics for handling identical bar code information
• Data segmentation for differentiating between identifier and content of the read data
• Data filtering according to content and/or identifier in order to suppress the output of bar codes with
specific content/identifiers
• Completeness inspection of the read data
• Sorting and formatting the output data in the
• Configuration of up to 3 different sorting criteria. Sorting by physical data and content of the read
bar codes.
• Formatting of the data output for the HOST.