3.8 Anti-panic release button
Some of the switch versions are provided with a release button
in order to allow any personnel accidentally trapped inside the
machine to get out. This button, complying with the EN ISO 14119
standard, directly acts on the lock mechanism, and immediately
releases the actuator regardless of the condition in which the de-
vice is found. Moreover, after being activated, this button causes
immediate opening of the OS1 and OS2 outputs in mode 1 switch
and the O4 signalling output. This button unlocks the door even if
the device is not supplied with power.
For correct installation of the anti-panic release button, the follow-
ing prescriptions are to be observed:
• The release button must be clearly visible from inside the machine
• Button activation must be easy, immediate and unrelated to the
machine operating status. To help recognize the button and
make its function evident, identifi cation stickers are available in
various languages. Contact our commercial organisation (see
paragraph SUPPORT).
• The release button must not be made easy to activate by an op-
erator standing outside the machine, when the door is closed.
• To guarantee correct operation and handy resetting, a distance
ranging from 10 to 35 mm must be kept between the wall from
where the button protrudes and the release button.
• The release button sliding area is to be kept clean. Any dirt or
chemical substance getting inside the button can compromise
device operation.
• Check the button periodically (at least once a year) for correct
• Train the machine operators on correct button operation, to
avoid any improper use (i.e. the button must not be used as
a clothes-hook).
• The release button must not be used as a machine emergency
For installation on walls thicker than 20 mm, extensions are available for the release
For correct installation of the extensions, observe the following prescriptions:
• Do not exceed an overall length of 500 mm between the release button and the
• Always use some thread locker on each threaded coupling between the button, ex-
tensions and switch.
• Avoid twisting or bending the release button, if necessary use an appropriate sliding
guide (pipe or bush) when the button and its extensions exceed a length of 100 mm.
• Tightening torque for button and extensions from 4 to 5 Nm.
3.9 Access control
These safety locking devices alone cannot manage to protect any operators or main-
tenance engineers in the case where they may physically enter the danger area with
their whole body, since any unintentional closing of a protection behind them could
allow the machine to be restarted. In the case where machine restarting control is en-
tirely entrusted to these safety locking devices, a device must be provided to avoid the
said risk, such as a lock-out system which stops the machine from being restarted. A
specifi c lock-out device is available as an accessory so as to prevent any unintended
start of the machine with the operator still inside, please contact our commercial de-
partment (see paragraph SUPPORT).
3.10 Auxiliary release with a tool or a lock
Some of the switch versions are provided with an auxiliary release in order to allow
handy installation (release with a tool) or to permit opening only for authorised per-
sonnel (lock release). Both these mechanical devices act inside the switch like the
anti-panic release button described previously. Therefore they also unlock the door
in case of power failure. These release devices may only be operated by a machine
maintenance engineer who has received adequate training on the dangers deriving
from their use.
How to use the auxiliary release with a tool:
• Unscrew the locking screw with a PH1 cross-head screwdriver.
• Turn the hexagonal-hole bush clockwise by 180°.
• Do not force the bush beyond 180°.
• To avoid any improper use of the auxiliary device with a tool, it is advisable to seal
the device through the appropriate hole found in the upper part, or to seal the screw
cross head with a few drops of paint.
• After each activating operation, it is advisable to reseal the
• For particular applications, versions are available entirely free of
any auxiliary release device.
How to use the auxiliary lock release:
• Open the protection cap.
• Insert the key supplied with the switch and turn clockwise by
• Do not force the key beyond 180°.
• Each time the key is extracted, close the rubber cap.
• The release key must only be made available to
the machine maintenance engineer and kept in a
secluded place.
• The release key must not be made available to the
machine operator.
• For particular applications, versions are available
entirely free of any auxiliary release device.
3.11 Connections
: The device is provided with OSSD type solid-state safe electronic
outputs. These outputs behave in a different way as compared to an
electromechanical contact. The use and installation of a safety device with solid-
state outputs are only allowed when all the characteristics of this particular type of
outputs are known in detail.
To open the device cover, use a PH2 cross-head screwdriver and tighten the screws
with a torque ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 Nm.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Internal terminal
M12 male connector
8 poles
stand-alone connection
Power supply input 0 V
Auxiliary power supply
output 0 V
activation input
Signalling output for
actuator switched on
Signalling output for
actuator switched on and
Actuator programming
Power supply input +24
Auxiliary power supply
24 Vdc,
8 A max
Safe input
Safe input
EDM input (a)
Safe output
Safe output
Warning: terminals 7, 8, 9, 17 and 18 must not be used.
(a) Only available in version L300-M5xx
3.12 RFID sensor intervention points
The RFID sensor placed in the device recognises the actuator when it is found at a
distance of 0 to 3 mm. Within this fi eld, the O3 signalling output and the ACT led are
activated to signal the guard-closed condition. In this condition, it is possible to obtain
output locking by means of the I4 input. After the locking operation, the LOCK led and
the O4 output are activated; at the same time the RFID sensor widens its releasing
distance, so as to ensure that no vibrations or impacts occurring with the guard locked
may cause the OS1, OS2 and O4 outputs to open accidentally. If the I4 input is acti-
vated or deactivated, without the actuator being present, the device does not carry out
any locking and does not activate any of the OS1, OS2, or O4 outputs. In order to open
the protection, it is necessary to act by means of the I4 input; with the protection re-
leased, the O4 output will be deactivated and the LOCK led will be switched off. At this
point, the RFID sensor will bring its intervention distance back to the initial values and,
after the guard has been opened, the O3 output and the ACT led will be deactivated.