Accessory Decoder LS 100/110
The shared address area of LS100/LS110/LS120 and LR100
Information about the positions of turnouts and signals from
accessory decoder LS100/LS110 and feedback encoder LR100
occupies the same memory locations in the command station.
Information from the feedback encoder with addresses 1 to 63
overlaps information from turnouts 1 to 256.
Even non-feedback capable LS110 turnout positions have the
last command sent stored in this address area. Since no
positive feedback is available, this information may not match
the actual turnout position.
For each turnout address there are 2 feedback positions in the
command station; for each feedback encoder, there are 8
feedback positions in the command station. The overlap is
displayed in table 5.
If you have programmed an accessory decoder LS100 to
addresses 5, 6, 7 and 8, then it occupies the feedback positions
9 to 16 in the command station. You can therefore not use a
feedback encoder with address 2, since this would occupy the
same feedback numbers in the command station.
Programming the address of LS100/LS110 using the
programming button
This is a process where you can program LS100/LS110 to a
turnout address without using the programming output .
This process is suitable whenever you do not need any particular
settings for the outputs and/or the accessory decoder is already
installed and needs to be reprogrammed to another address.
You can use any device that can send a acessory decoder
command such as a LH100 hand held controller or LW100
Tower Cab.
For these instructions we assume that command station, power
station and hand held controller or tower cab all are correctly
connected with each other, and in operation (see manuals of the