System Piping
VRF system piping is customized for each installation.
The LVSS (Lennox VRF Selection Software) piping report
is an engineered design that must be followed. The piping
diagram or diagrams included within the LVSS report have
been prepared based on the information provided to the
Lennox VRF applications department.
When the indicated lengths change from the
stated within the report, it is imperative that prior to the
commencement of the refrigerant pipe work installation,
Lennox VRF applications department are informed of
these proposed changes.
Upon receipt of this new information the Lennox VRF
applications department will con
rm any changes that
may be applicable to this installation. If changes are
required, a new piping diagram will be produced and will
supersede all other previously provided documents.
Failure to provide this information regarding changes
to the original design may lead to insuf
cient capacity,
equipment failure, warranty being made void and the
refusal to commission the system.
The Clean Air Act of 1990 bans the intentional venting
of refrigerant (CFC’s and HCFC’s) as of July 1, 1992.
Approved methods of recovery, recycling or reclaiming
must be followed. Fines and/or incarceration may be
levied for non-compliance.
To ensure proper system performance and reliability, Len-
nox does not recommend operation of VRF systems dur-
ing any phase of construction. Construction debris, low
temperatures, harmful vapors, and operation of the unit
with misplaced
lters can damage the units. Failure to
follow these guidelines will result in the warranty being