Page 39
Room Thermostat Demand
Target Discharge Air
Temperature Set at 85ºF
Target Discharge Air
Temperature Set at 100ºF
Target Discharge Air
Temperature Set at 115ºF/130ºF
Heat Pump First Stage
Heat Pump First Stage
Heat Pump First + First Electric
Heat Section (H1)
Y1 + Y2
Heat Pump First and Second
Heat Pump First and Second
Stage + First Electric Heat Section
Heat Pump First and Second
Stage + First Electric Heat Section
(H1) + Second Electric Heat Sec
tion (H2) if number of electric heat
er sections detected is more than
Y1 + W1 and/or W2
Heat Pump First Stage + First
Electric Heat Section (H1)
Heat Pump First Stage + First
Electric Heat S Second
Electric Heat Section (H2) if num
ber of electric heater sections de
tected is more than two.
Heat Pump First Stage + First
Electric Heat Section (H1) Second
Electric Heat Section (H2) if num
ber of electric heater sections de
tected is more than two.
Y1 and Y2 + W1 and/or W2
Heat Pump First and Second
Stage+ First Electric Heat Sec
tion (H1)
Heat Pump First and Second
Stage + First Electric Heat Section
+ Second Electric Heat Section
(H2) if number of electric heater
sections detected is more than
Heat Pump First and Second
Stage + First Electric Heat Section
(H1) Second Electric Heat Section
(H2) if number of electric heater
sections detected is more than
W1 and/or W2
First Electric Heat Section (H1)
First Electric Heat Section (H1) +
Second Electric Heat Section (H2)
if number of electric heater sec
tions detected is more than two.
First Electric Heat Section (H1) +
Second Electric Heat Section (H2)
if number of electric heater sec
tions detected is more than two.
Heat pump first or second stage or electric heat demand will start the
Air Handler Control indoor blower at CFM value based on tables
found in installation instructions.
Heat Pump and electric heat
Increase target discharge air temperature by 15Fº
Last room thermostat Heat
up- staging action
Timer delays for
120 seconds
Timer delays for 150
One Stage
More than one stage
Figure 23. EVENHEAT Operation (1 of 2)