C. Framing Enclosure for LP gas Supply System
If you build an enclosure for an LP gas cylinder,
follow these recommended specifications and
local codes:
Enclosures must be ventilated by openings at
the level of the cylinder valve and at floor level.
Effectiveness must be determined with the
cylinder(s) in place.
One side of the enclosure must be completely
open or,
For an enclosure having four sides, a top and
a bottom:
- At least two ventilation openings at cylin-
der valve level shall be provided in the side
wall, equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees
(3.14 rad), and unobstructed. Each opening
must have a total free area of not less than
1/2 square inch per pound (3.2 sq. cm/kg)
of stored fuel capacity and not less than a
total free area of 10 square inches (64.5 sq.
- Ventilation opening(s) must be provided
at floor level and shall have a total free area
of not less than 1/2 square inch per pound
(3.2 sq. cm/lg) of stored fuel capacity and
not less than a total free area of 10 square
inches (64.5 sq. cm). If ventilation openings
at floor level are in a side wall, there must
be at least two openings. The bottom of
the openings must be at floor level and the
upper edge cannot be fore than 5 in. (127
mm) above the floor. The openings must be
equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees (3.14
rad) and unobstructed.
- Every opening must have minimum dimen-
sions to permit the entrance of a 1/8 inch
(3.2 mm) diameter rod.
Cylinder valves must be readily accessible for
hand operation. A door on the enclosure to
gain access to the cylinder valves is acceptable,
provided it is non-locking and can be opened
without the use of tools.
The design of the enclosure must be such that:
- The LP gas supply cylinder(s) can be con-
nected, disconnected and the connections
inspected and tested outside the cylinder
- Those connections which could be dis-
turbed when installing the cylinder(s) in
the enclosure can be leak tested inside the
- Be certain to mount or set the LP gas cyl-
inder on a flat stable surface and retain it to
prevent it from tipping.
Minimum Clearances
There must be a minimum clearance of 2 in.
(50.8 mm) between the lower surface of the
floor of the LP gas supply cylinder enclosure
and the ground.
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