2.7 Backup Cues
The DX3 system has 99 cue memories plus blackout that can be stored and/or recalled for later use.
Each cue has an associated fade time from 0-99 minutes in 1-second increments. The cue memories
can be recorded as a snapshot of all 512 dimmer levels, taking into account all the available control
sources. Recording of cues may be initiated from a PC, the dimmer rack, or a control station. All 512
dimmers can be tagged to be included in these backup cue memories.
When the DMX link drops out (that is, if the console is turned off or otherwise the link fails), the lights
will hold the last look for 10 seconds, then fade to blackout over 5 seconds. Should some dimmers be
tagged with a precedence for Collage or analog to take control, these lights will revert back to that
architectural source.
2.8 Collage
The DX3 has built-in support for the Collage multi-room control as a standard. The Collage uses
various stations located throughout the installation to record and/or recall lighting looks known as
presets. The Collage system includes the following features:
Programmable Patch. Control for up to 512 dimmers through 128 zones using a
programmable patch map. Each zone may be assigned a 7 character name.
Partitioning. Zones may be partitioned in up to 16 control areas with each area having
exclusive control over the zones assigned to it. Removable partitions between control areas
may be defined so as to combine control areas on command.
Presets with Fade Time. The Collage can store and recall 24 presets plus OFF and FULL for
each of these 16 control areas. Each preset may assigned a 9 character name with a fade time
from 0-99 minutes in 1 second increments.
A Variety of Station Types. The Collage is controlled by stations located throughout the
facility. These include stations such as Preset Recall, Programmable Master, Multi-Area
Master, Infra-red, as well as receptacles for portable varieties of any type.
Control from a PC. A PC may be used to control lights in all areas of a DX3 system. Local
control of one SCM (usually one rack) can be done via the USB port on the master rack.
Network control of many racks can be accomplished by using the Ethernet port on each of the
SCM racks. All this is done using the DxDirector DX3 program.
Security. Each station may be assigned to one of the 8 lock groups. The stations in that group
will be locked whenever the lock is applied. Preset stations simply get locked or unlocked,
while master stations can have their memory locked (the STORE button is disabled), or
completely locked (all buttons are disabled).
Scripts. Multiple commands including activating presets, applying locks or combining areas
can be entered into a list called a “Script”. Scripts may be invoked through a button press from
a station, or from a time clock event.
Chases. A sequence of presets may be faded on with optional hold times to a unique
architectural lighting effect called a “Chase”. They may be invoked through a button press
from a station, or from a time clock event.
DX3 Manual