Using the PRO3X Command Line Interface (CLI)
PRO3X User Guide
Command Line Interface (CLI)
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Deleting a Role
This command deletes an existing role.
role delete <name>
Example - Creating a Role
The following command creates a new role and assigns privileges to the role.
role create tester firmwareUpdate;viewEventSetup
A new role "tester" is created.
Two privileges are assigned to the role: firmwareUpdate (Firmware Update) and viewEventSetup (View Event Settings).
Authentication Commands
An authentication configuration command begins with
Determining the Authentication Method
You can choose to set the authentication type only, or both set the authentication type and determine whether to switch to
local authentication in case the remote authentication is not available.
Determine the authentication type only:
authentication type <option1>
Determine the authentication type and enable/disable the option of switching to local authentication:
authentication type <option1> useLocalIfRemoteUnavailable <option2>
Note: You cannot enable or disable the option of switching to local authentication without determining the authentication
type in the CLI. Therefore, always type "authentication type <option1>" when setting up "useLocalIfRemoteUnavailable".