Cat. No(s).: 5 735 04/05
5 735 12/13
Arteor 4 and 6 touches glass controls
Technical data sheet: S000090563EN-2
Updated: 07/06/2016
Created : 27/07/2015
11. COMMUNICATION OBJECTS DESCRIPTION (continued) Conditional mode (continued)
Dimming (continued):
Switching value on short push
No reaction
Here an adjustment is made to define which switching value is written into the storage cell of the communication object and sent after short pressing
the push button related to the channel.
“No reaction”: A short push does not change the object value and also does not send a telegram.
“On”: After a short press, the switching value “ON” (binary value, “1”) is transferred into the communication object and sent.
“Off”: After a short press, the switching value “OFF” (binary value,”0”) is transferred into the communication object and sent.
“Toggle” : After a short press, the switching value stored in the communication object is inverted and the new value is sent
Dimming value on long push
Dim +/-
Dim +
Dim –
No reaction
Here an adjustment is made to define which dimming value is written into the storage cell of the communication object and sent after long pressing
the push button related to the channel.
“No reaction”: A long push does not change the object value and also does not send a telegram.
“Dim+/-”: After a long press, the dimming value stored in the communication object is inverted and the new value is sent
“Dim +” After a long press, the dimming value “Increase 100%” is transferred into the communication object and sent.
“Dim -” : After a long press, the dimming value “Decrease 100%” is transferred into the communication object and sent.
Dimming value on release push
No reaction
Here an adjustment is made to define which dimming value is written into the storage cell of the communication object and sent after releasing a
long press of the push button related to the Channel.
“No reaction”: A long push button action does not change the object value and also does not send a telegram.
“Stop”: When the push button is released after a long push, the dimming value “Stop” is transferred into the communication object and sent.
1x1 unsigned byte :
Object name
4 (8, 13, 17)
4 (8, 13, 17, 22, 26)
Channel 1 (2,3,4) Mode 1
Channel 1 (2,3,4,5,6) Mode 1
Unsigned Value
5.010 DP_Value_1_Ucount
(1 Byte)
The telegrams with the unsigned value are sent via the group address linked with this object
31 (35, 40, 44)
31 (35, 40, 44, 49, 53)
Channel 1 (2,3,4) Mode 2
Channel 1 (2,3,4,5,6) Mode 2
Unsigned Value
5.010 DP_Value_1_Ucount
(1 Byte)
The telegrams with the unsigned value are sent via the group address linked with this object