Getting Started: Before getting the soldering iron out, go through all of the parts in the kit and familiarize
yourself with each component and its placement. Most of the parts are common, but a few of them may be new
to some builders. There are just over 200 parts and 850 solder connections, so take your time.
Once familiar with the parts, use the parts placement sheet in this manual for identifying parts
locations on the PC Board. Installation is done in order of vertical height. That is, the parts with low profiles
(like resistors) are put in first and you work your way to the tallest parts (like the relay).
With the PC board blank, it is easiest to install all of the individual resistors first (not the SIPs). Be
sure to check the values with the parts list. We provide 1/8 watt resistors with the kit, but you may use 1/4
watt if you wish (you may have to reshape the leads of the 1/4 watt resistors to make them fit). You can install
the resistors in groups (like R25-32, R33-40 and R49-56) to better keep track of your progress. There are
34 total.
Diode 1 and 2 are next. D1 (the larger 1N4001) goes near the 12 volt input. The smaller 1N4148 goes
near where the relay K1 will go. Be sure to match the polarity.
Now the 0.1 uf caps. There are ten that are randomly scattered on the board and another eight in a nice
row at J5 (Audio In).
Now the Resistor SIPs. There are seven of them and two different values. Be sure to note the polarity of
these. While looking at the SIP package and the markings are facing you, pin 1 is on the left side. It may also
have a dot or line to mark pin 1. Note that the Resistor SIPs are called RS1-7 and the Resistor DIPs are called
RP1-5. For markings, 103 means 10K and 104 means 100K.
Then the crystal. Use a left over piece of resistor lead to tie it down with holes provided on either side
of the crystal. This will keep it from getting moved around too much and possibly breaking the leads.
The DIP sockets go in next. Note that all DIP sockets have pin 1 toward the top or to the right of the
board. Both PLCC sockets have a small arrow in the middle area of the socket that points to pin 1. The arrow for
the 52 pin PLCC should face toward the top of the board (flattened corner will be toward the crystal). The
arrow for the 44 pin PLCC should face toward the right side of the board (flattened corner will be toward U6).
The 18 pots snap into the board. Be sure not to fold any of the pins underneath (and out of site) of the
pot. All the values are the same, 100K (marked 104).
There are two transistor looking devices (TO-92 package) that go next. One is a 34064 power
supervisory chip (U4) and the other one is actually a 2N3904 transistor (Q1). Both of the TO-92 devices face
(the flat side) toward the left side of the board.
More capacitors are next. Install the twenty four .0047 uf disk capacitors and the two 22 pf (C51 and
52) near the crystal (the actual value can be anything between 10 and 33 pf). Install the 1.0 and 10 uFs (the
electrolytics) in groups (C9-16, C41-48) to help keep track of them. Be sure to note polarity of the
electrolytics, the long lead is the positive.
Use a nut and bolt to tie down the 7805 and heat sink in place. Configure the bolt so that the head is on
the bottom of the PC board and the nut is on the component side. Form fit it before soldering in place. You may
want to use a small amount silicon ”heat grease” to help the heat transfer, but it is not required.
The remaining components are connectors, headers, the relay and mounting hardware. Install the relay