The mode is not stored in Serial EEPROM and defaults to number mode on power up. The display is
updated every second for either mode.
Note: The Channel signal to noise ratio display can produce false readings if the input modulation
exceeds about 4 kHz bandwidth. If you are using the Channel S/N ratio for comparisons, take the reading with
no modulation.
Value = 255
Signal / Noise
o r
Value = xxxxxxxxxx
Signal / Noise
Hits per Chan:
The Hits per Chan menu shows the number of times a channel has been voted out of the last 100 COR
cycles. A COR cycle is the time from when any site becomes active to the time no sites are active. The hits for a
site is incremented if that site has been selected the most during a COR cycle (a site can be temporarily voted
during a COR cycle, but the hits for that site will not be incremented unless it has been voted the most during
that COR cycle).
The maximum number of hits on any channel is 100. Sites that are not selected at the end of a COR cycle
are decremented by one. For example, if the current hits are: site one - 57, site two - 28, site three - 12, and
site two is voted for the next COR cycle, the result is: site one - 56, site two - 29, site three - 11.
The Sel switch is used to cycle through each site. The LCD will display the channel number and the
number of hits.
The Hits per Channel is not stored in Serial EEPROM and all channels default to zero hits on power up.
Chan 01 Hits 64
Hits per Chan
Most Active:
The Most Active menu keep tracks of the hits per channel for each channel and displays the site with the
most votes out of the last 100 CORs. An internal count is kept on each site for the number of times it has been
voted. The site that has the most votes in the last 100 COR cycles is chose. If more than one site has the most
votes, the first site with the most counts encountered by the software will be chosen.
Sites that are disabled are not eligible to be selected as the Most Active site.
There are no user inputs for this menu.
Most Active