Additional Settings – DSC Control
User Levels
The DSC Control Software has three user levels:
Complete access to all controls, except the device is locked.
Default Password: USER
Complete access to all controls. Is allowed to unlock the device.
Default Password: ADMIN
Development Mode: Complete access to all controls. Can change the access rights of the other two levels.
The developer is also able to change the default passwords for all levels and replace
them by custom ones as well as perform firmware updates.
Default Password: DEVELOP
Development Mode – Change Passwords
In the „Development Mode“ the
passwords for all levels can be
replaced by custom ones.
If you change the passwords
document the new ones carefully.
Without the new passwords access
to the device is no longer allowed.
In this case the device can only be
reset in our factory!
In the „Development Mode“ the
access rights for all levels can
be set individually by custom ones.
Development Mode - Change Access Rights