This window shows all output
channels with high-pass filters (HPF),
lowpass filters (LPF) and delays. These
parameters can be set here for all
channels easily.
Cross-Over Section (X-over)
Bridge Mode
Ouput gain control and level meter.
Compressor: Click to open
the window.
Invert: turns the phase
of the channel by 180°.
Thr release
High-pass (HPF)
and Low-pass (LPF)
Parametric filters: Bell/
Notch/All Pass/Low Shelf/
High Shelf/Band Pass/High
Pass/Low Pass
Output mixer:
For each output
all inputs can be
mixed at will.
Output Channel
Output Section – DSC Control
In the Tab „Hardware“ > „Configure“
> „Output Mode“ > „Outputs 1 and 2“
> „Bridge Mono“ Bridge Mode can be
activated. All the settings from the first
channel will be transmitted to the se-
cond channel, and the second cheannel
will be inverted. The amplifier has now
one output with double output capacity.
The speaker then will be connected on
L+ (new +pole) and R+ (new -pole).