Step By Step Instructions
Numbers in parenthesis refer to hardware shown on page 3.
Adjusting Mechanism Height
Measure from the bottom of the housing to
the top of the track or encapsulation. This is
the installed height of the mechanism. Use
this measurement to determine which holes
to use when adding the mechanism feet.
Install the roll-up tube as high as possible
without rubbing on the lid brackets.
Position the mechanism with the pulley
brackets on the bottom. Install the feet on
the mechanism using the carriage bolts (35)
and nylock nuts (40) provided. Install the
feet so the top of the mechanism will be
flush with the top of the encapsulation.
Install the feet on the non-motor end. The
top of the pulley bracket should be flush
with the top of the encapsulation.
Note: The height of the non-motor end might
need to be adjusted after the mechanism has
been placed in the housing.
Connecting the Roll-up Tube
With the non-motor end turned upside down,
attach the cone for the non-motor end to
the roll-up tube using the 3/8” x 1
1/4” bolts
(36) and lock washers (37) provided.
Use a
torque wrench to tighten the bolts to 180 inch
pounds. Over tightening may cause damage to
the threads and failure of the cover system.
With the motor end turned upside down,
attach the cone on the motor end using the
same bolts (36) and washers (37). Tighten the
bolts using a 9/16” wrench.
Positioning the Mechanism
Lower the assembled mechanism and tube
into the housing and place it roughly in the
position that it will anchored.
Position the mechanism in the housing so that
the roll-up tube is centered in the housing
front to back.
Note: If the cover housing isn’t square to the
pool, position the mechanism in the
housing so it will be square to the cover track.
With the mechanism and tube assembled and
set in place in the housing, check the roll-up
tube for level.
This is crucial to proper
operation of the cover.
Position a level across
the housing. Measure from the roll-up tube
to the bottom of the level on both the motor
end and non-motor end of the mechanism.
Adjust height of the non-motor end feet if
needed to level the roll-up tube.
Housing Preparation
Use a garden hose to clean out the housing.
During this process, make sure the water is
draining from the housing.
It is critical that all
cover housings have adequate drainage. If
there is no drain or inadequate drainage in
the cover housing, contact your Coverstar
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