22// SStteep
p iin
Beeffoorree ssttaarrttiinngg aannyy pprroocceedduurreess m
maakkee ssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ppoow
weerr ccaabbllee ooff
tthhee llaam
mpp iiss ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd ffrroom
m tthhee ssoocckkeett,, ppoow
weerr iiss ssw
wiittcchheedd O
OFFFF aanndd
sseeccuurreedd aaggaaiinnsstt uunnaauutthhoorriizzeedd,, nneegglliiggeenntt oorr aacccciiddeennttaall ssw
wiittcchhiinngg oonn..
If the power cable of the luminaire is damaged, it shall be replaced by
the manufacturer or a similar qualified person only in order to prevent any
damage to health or property.
TToo rreettaaiinn qquuaalliittyy ooff hhaanndd--bblloow
wnn ggllaassss,, LLaassvviitt rreeccoom
meennddss ttoo cclleeaann
tthhee ggllaassss aatt lleeaasstt eevveerryy 33 m
The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any defects caused by
unqualified handling of the lamp.
Do not cover the lamp with any material, it is necessary for the hot
parts to be cooled by freely flowing air, otherwise there is a risk of fire.
For indoor use only. Installation requires 1 persons.
Содержание Yakisugi CL035TA-4UL
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