ICS-TOUCH Instruction Manual
Page 33 of 43
Issue 4 19 January 2021
11.3 Pre-arm and Expansion Status
The laser interlock controller incorporates a proving circuit to check that the system is in a safe
condition before attempting to arm. This is known as the pre-arm loop. The pre-arm loop may be
wired to include the monitor contacts of the laser or shutters, where provided. These indicate that
the laser will not immediately radiate when the interlock controller is armed. The pre-arm loop is
normally closed before arming and is opened by the interlock controller when the system is armed,
so at this point the state should change from green (closed) to red (open).
It is possible to extend the interlock controller with add-ons connected via the expansion socket. The
safety loop status of expansion units can also be monitored. The normal status is the same as for the
interlocks (closed – green).
The state of these inputs is indicated by ‘plug’ icons, since they represent circuits that may be
connected or disconnected.