LT-4100 User & Installation Manual Rev 1.00
Lars Thrane A/S
Page 32 of 129
LT-4130 Antenna Unit
The LT-4110 Control Unit and the LT-4130 Antenna Unit must be connected using a coaxial cable. Both the
control unit and the antenna unit have a N connector (female) mounted. This section will specify the
requirements to the coaxial cable. The RF and DC requirements are specified in Table 4 and Table 5.
In most cases it will be the DC resistance that will determine the maximum length of the coaxial cable. It is
important to note that the input voltage of the control unit is important for the length of the coaxial cable
that can be used.
The DC coaxial cable resistance that is listed in Table 5 and used to calculate the maximum
cable length is the sum of the DC inner conductor resistance and the DC outer conductor
resistance. Some data sheets are not providing enough information about the DC
resistance, in which cases, the cable manufacture must be approached to obtain this
Lars Thrane A/S has calculated the maximum allowed cable lengths with two coaxial cables as illustrated in
Table 6. The two coaxial cables are FF195LSFROH (~RG-58) and FF400LSFROH (~RG-214/LMR400).
The cable lengths calculated in Table 6 are obtained by using the maximum DC resistance [
] from Table 5
and compare these maximum DC requirements with the actual DC resistance [
/km] of the specific coaxial
cables. The FF400LSFROH and FF195LSFROX total DC resistance numbers are listed in Table 7 on page 33.
RF Coaxial Cable Requirements
Cable impedance
50 Ω
Maximum signal loss
45 dB/100 m @ 1.5 GHz
Table 4: RF Coaxial Cable Requirements
DC Coaxial Cable Requirements
Power Source
Maximum DC Resistance
12 VDC
24 VDC
Table 5: DC Coaxial Cable Requirements
Maximum Coaxial Cable Length
Cable Type
12 VDC Supply
24 VDC Supply
FF195LSFROH (4.9mm)
41 m
135 m
FF400LSFROH (10.3mm)
154 m
500 m
Table 6: Maximum coaxial cable length (cable examples)