Configuring the Unit
4.3.2 Server Properties
You can change the server properties by editing any of the fields. Lingering over one of the
fields will display help messages. Changing the IP address will require you to enter the new
IP address in the browser to reload the page.
Figure 4-3 - Server Properties Configuration on the Web Browser
4.3.3 Telnet Password
In the Telnet Password field, enter a password to prevent unauthorized access to the Setup
Mode via a Telnet connection to port 9999. The password is limited to 4 characters. (An
enhanced password setting of 16 characters is available under Security Settings on the
Telnet Setup Mode window.)
No password is required to access the Setup Mode window via a serial connection.
4.3.4 Port Properties
Serial Protocol: RS232
RS-232 is the only available option for XPort™.
Speed: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400
User Manual and Development Kit