Line Speed:
Expressed in bps, the maximum rate at which data can reliably be transmitted over a line using given
Logical Link:
A temporary connection between source and destination nodes, or between two processes on the
same node.
Megabits per second.
Management Information Base, a database of network parameters used by SNMP and CMIP
(Common Management Information Protocol) to monitor and change network device settings. It
provides a logical naming of all information resources on the network that are pertinent to the
network's management.
A multicast is a message that is sent out to multiple devices on the network by a host.
Name Server:
Software that runs on network hosts charged with translating (or resolving) text-style names into
numeric IP addresses.
An interconnected system of computers that can communicate with each other and share files, data
and resources.
Network Address:
Every node on a network has one or more addresses associated with it, including at least one fixed
hardware address such as "ae-34-2c-1d-69-f1" assigned by the device's manufacturer. Most nodes
also have protocol specific addresses assigned by a network manager.
Network Management:
Administrative services for managing a network, including configuring and tuning, maintaining
network operation, monitoring network performance, and diagnosing network problems.
Any intelligent device connected to the network. This includes terminal servers, host computers, and
any other devices (such as printers and terminals) that are directly connected to the network. A node
can be thought of as any device that has a "hardware address."
Open System Interconnect (OSI):
See "ISO."
A series of bits containing data and control information, including source and destination node
addresses, formatted for transmission from one node to another.
User Manual and Development Kit