5: Commands and Levels
PremierWave® 2050 Enterprise Wi-Fi® IoT Module Command Reference
snmp trap
Enters the next lower level.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
user management (config-user-management) level commands
admin password
Sets the CLI login password. Password must be 4 to 15
characters and contain combination of the following char-
acters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers,
symbols (punctuation marks). Put double quotes around
the password.
admin username
Sets the CLI login username.
Clears the screen.
create role
<role name>
Create a new role <role name> = role name.
create user
<user name>
<role name>
Create a new user <user name> = user name. <pass-
word> = user password. Password must be 4 to 15 char-
acters and contain combination of the following charac-
ters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, sym-
bols (punctuation marks). Put double quotes around the
password. <role name> = user role name.
default admin password
Restores the default CLI login password.
default admin username
Restores the default CLI login username.
delete role
<role name or instance>
Delete existing role <role name or instance> = role name
or instance.
delete user
<user name or instance>
Delete existing user <user name or instance> = user
name or instance.
edit role
<role name or instance>
Change to config-user-management-roles level.
edit user
<user name or instance>
Change to config-user-management-users level.
Returns to the config level.
Displays the current configuration.
show actions
List Actions to the console
show configuration groups
List Configuration Record group names to the console
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
show roles
Show existing roles
show users
Show existing users
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
virtual ip 1 (config-virtual-interface:1) level commands
Clears the screen.
Exits to the config-gateway level.
ip address
Sets the Virtual IP address.
lan ip address
Sets the LAN IP address.
Sets the name. <text> = name.
no ip address
Clears the Virtual IP address.
no lan ip address
Clears the LAN IP address.
no name
Clears the name.
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
state disable
Disables Virtual IP instance.