5: Commands and Levels
PremierWave® 2050 Enterprise Wi-Fi® IoT Module Command Reference
CLI session.
ssh username
Sets the username for logging into the host via SSH.
<text> = username.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
http (config-http) level commands
Creates a new HTTP server authentication directive. <uri>
= URI of the server.
auth type
Sets an HTTP server authentication directive to the Digest
Access Authentication scheme. <uri> = URI of the server.
auth type
Sets the authentication type for an HTTP server authenti-
cation directive to none. <uri> = URI of the server.
authentication timeout
For any Digest AuthType, sets the timeout for authentica-
tion. <minutes> = authentication timeout value.
clear counters
Sets the HTTP counters to zero.
clear log
Clears the HTTP server log.
Clears the screen.
default authentication timeout
Resets the authentication timeout to its default value.
default log format
Restores the HTTP Server log format string to its default
default max bytes
Resets the maximum bytes to its default value.
default max log entries
Restores the default maximum number of HTTP Server
log entries.
default max timeout
Resets the timeout to its default value.
default port
Resets the HTTP Server port to its default value.
default secure port
Resets the HTTP Server SSL port to its default value.
default secure protocols
Restores the default secure protocol selections.
delete auth
Deletes an existing HTTP Server authentication directive.
<uri> = URI of the server.
Returns to the config level.
https state disable
Disables the HTTPS server.
https state enable
Enables the HTTPS server.
log format
Sets the log format string for the HTTP server, using the
following directives: %a remote ip address (could be a
proxy) %b bytes sent excluding headers %B bytes sent
excluding headers (0 = '-') %h remote host (same as %a)
%{h}i header contents from request (h = header string)
%m request method %p ephemeral local port value used
for request %q query string (prepend with '?' or empty '-')
%t timestamp HH:MM:SS (same as Apache
'%(%H:%M:%S)t') %u remote user (could be bogus for
401 status) %U URL path info %r first line of request
(same as '%m %U%q <version>') %s return status
logging state disable
Disables HTTP server logging.
logging state enable
Enables HTTP server logging.
max bytes
Sets the maximum number of bytes the HTTP server ac-
cepts when receiving a request.
max log entries
Sets the maximum number of HTTP server log entries.
<number> = maximum number of HTTP server log en-