3: Getting Started
This chapter provides background information to get you started using the Server. Topics include methods
used to initially set up the Server as well as ongoing maintenance issues, such as rebooting and restoring
factory default settings.
This chapter assumes the following:
The Server has booted properly and is running its operational code
The Server is connected to the Ethernet
For IP network users, the Server has been assigned a valid IP address.
If any of these conditions have not been met, refer to your Installation Guide for information on installing
the Server.
3.1 Configuration Methods
The Server may be configured using one of two methods: the EZWebCon configuration software, or
commands issued at the command line (Local> prompt).
To configure the Server when a problem has occurred, refer to the
Troubleshooting appendix.
3.1.1 EZWebCon
The EZWebCon software is the recommended way to configure the unit. EZWebCon guides you through
configuration using a graphical interface. Its configurations take effect immediately, like Set commands,
and are permanent, like Define commands.
EZWebCon is shipped with the Server on CD-ROM. It can be installed and used on any computer for which
there is a Java Virtual Machine. To install EZWebCon, refer to the README file located in the EZWebCon
directory. For assistance once EZWebCon is running, refer to the EZWebCon on-line help.
There are problems with some implementations of the Java Virtual Machine. See
the EZWebCon README file for more information.