PostScript Problems
PostScript printers will silently abort jobs if they detect an error.
B.6.1 Bitmap Graphics
If files that contain embedded bitmap graphics do not print correctly, it is probably because the bitmaps are
being sent as actual binary data and binary data cannot be printed via serial or parallel interfaces.
Most major application packages have provisions to print using either binary postscript (for printers
connected to the network via LocalTalk) or hex postscript (for printers connected to the network via a serial
port or parallel port). If your application does not have this provision, ask the application vendor for an
upgrade version or “patch” that will add the hex postscript function.
Table B-6: PostScript Troubleshooting
Area to Check
The Server is communi-
cating with the printer
To test a PostScript printer, use the Test Port 1 Post-
Script Count 2 command. This command will send 2
pages of PostScript data out the parallel port. Watch the
indicators on the printer to verify that the Server is com-
municating with the printer.
If the printer is capable of bidirectional communication,
use the Test Service Server_xxxxxx_PS PostScript
Count 5 command. This will transfer data both to and
from the printer. Autoselection must be disabled and the
printer must be configured as a PostScript printer for this
test to succeed.
The printer is configured
to use 8-bit characters
If special characters or bitmaps are not printing correctly,
the printer may be incorrectly configured to use 7-bit
Service Characteristics
Issue the Show Service Characteristics command. If
the service rating is zero, the parallel port is in use. Ver-
ify that the PostScript characteristic and appropriate pro-
tocols have been enabled on the service.
Port Counters
If PostScript jobs appear to print but nothing comes out
of the printer, verify the amount of data sent from the
host. Issue the appropriate print command from the host
system. After the job has completed, use the Show Port
1 Counters command.
The bytes output value should be approximately 171
bytes greater than the size of the file on the host system.
These numbers are only approximate, but will show that
data is flowing to the printer.