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DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
RF-U 5-2
The near-field probe is designed for
detecting surface and circular magnetic fields on
very wide conducting paths, metallized surfaces,
components, cables and component connections.
The sources of RF magnetic fields can be
detected and conclusions regarding internal
interference currents achieved.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 2 GHz
Resolution: approx. 5 mm
RF-B 3-2
The near-field probe is designed for the
detection of magnetic fields which are emitted
vertically from the surface area of flat units. The
probe enables measurement of obstructed parts
of the printed circuit board. It is not possible to
conduct measurements of field orientation such
as can be done with the RF-R 3-2 probe.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: approx. 2 mm
detects a magnetic field, which enters
the probe’s head vertically. It is therefore suitable
for pin-point detection of RF magnetic fields,
which are emitted by surfaces. For this, the probe
head is placed on the surface in question. Due to
its very small construction, magnetic field
distributions of under 1 millimeter can be resolved
on IC housings and PCB surfaces, for example.
The probe enables measurements in hard-to-
reach places, such as between components.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: < 1 mm
allows for high-resolution detection of
spatial RF magnetic fields. The loop opening,
which is marked by a white dot, can be manually
turned to identify field orientation and intensity. If
the loop opening is orthogonally permeated by
the field, a maximum can be detected. The
minimum can be detected by pivoting the loop
opening by 90°. This allows the detection of H-
field distribution (orientation and intensity) by
guiding the probe in the vicinity of components,
between and over track runs, in the pin area of
ICs, on block capacitors, EMC components, etc.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Resolution: < 1 mm
RF-E 02
Bus structures, larger components, and
supply areas couple out electrical fields by their
surfaces. These electrical fields may be the cause
of electromagnetic emission. The probe RF-E 02
detects these fields via the probe bottom on an
area of approx. 2 cm x 5 cm.
For measuring the probe is gradually brought
closer or is put directly on the Unit Under Test.
Frequency: 30 MHz to 1.5 GHz