background image









 risk of carbon monoxide poisoning! Do not 

operate the fire pit indoors, only outdoors!


Only use the fire pit if it has been assembled properly in accord-

ance with these operating instructions and is undamaged.



 The fire pit must not be used if it is deformed or de-

fective. This must be checked before each use.


Before use, place the fire pit on a safe, stable, horizontal, level 

and fireproof surface.



 National and local regulations, such as permits, 

operation, safety distances and others, must be complied with.


Choose the location for setting up the fire pit so that no com-

bustible materials or substances are located nearby or can get 

to it. Never set up the fire pit below branches. The minimum 

distance from combustible materials and surrounding surfaces 

has to be 3 m.



 Keep children and pets well away from the fire 

pit! Never leave the fire pit unattended when it is burning or still 

hot. In particular, make sure that no children or persons who 

are not capable of correctly recognising or reacting to possible 

dangers come near the hot fire pit.



 Do not use any spirits or petrol for ignition or 

reignition! Only use lighting aids that comply with EN 1860-3!


Only natural coniferous or deciduous wood ready for use in 

the fire pit (no compressed wood products from these types of 

wood) must be burnt.


The fire pit must not be used as a waste incinerator. No unsuit-

able or non-recommended fuels must be used. In addition, no 

liquid fuels must be used.



 The fire pit gets very hot and must not be 

moved while in use!


Do not use the fire pit in strong wind.


Keep your distance during use. If the fire pit has to be touched, 

e.g. when adding fuel, wear barbecue gloves (to prevent ther-

mal risks) which conform to DIN EN 407 (Category II). Also use 

the poker. Even when the fire has gone out, the surfaces will 

still remain hot for some time.


Do not overload the fire pit and do not allow the fire to get too 



In the event of a fire: smother the flames with a suitable fire-

proof blanket or a fire extinguisher.

Using petrol or spirit to ignite the fuel may result in uncontrollable 

heat caused by deflagrations. You should only use safe materials for 

burning, such as solid firelighters. 



Hardwood, i.e. wood from deciduous trees such as beech, 

oak or birch, is particularly suitable as firewood. Thanks to 

its high density, this wood gives a long and even heat.

1.  Stack some of the wood in the fire pit. Ignite one or two solid 

firelighters and place them in the fire pit.

2.  Allow the solid firelighters to burn for two to four minutes.
3.  Carefully add more wood. 

Never throw wood into the fire!

4.  Place the cover on the fire pit or close the door of the fire pit. 

Use the poker to do this. 





Allow all parts to cool down completely before you clean the 

product, place a cover over it or store it away.


Never extinguish the fire with water to avoid burns and scald-



Do not use corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents or brushes 

with metal bristles. They may damage the surfaces. 


Do not fill with water or expose to rainfall for a prolonged 


•  Once all parts have cooled down, dispose of the ash in an envi-

ronmentally friendly way.

•  Clean the fire pit with a suitable brush or with a wet sponge 

and some washing-up liquid. For stubborn dirt you can use a 

standard household cleaner.

•  Allow all parts to dry completely or dry them before they are 

stored away.

•  Store them in a dry, weatherproof location.


Pay attention to cleanliness when handling the product and dispos-

ing of waste materials. As a general rule, you should only dispose of 

waste materials in designated metal or non-flammable containers. 

The local regulations on waste disposal apply.
To dispose of the product, dismantle it into its individual parts and 

recycle any metals and plastic. 

Dispose of the packaging material in an environmentally 

friendly manner so that it can be recycled.

Made in China.


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20.10.2021   10:49:24

20.10.2021   10:49:24

Содержание FP-I-440-BK Series

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