Landmann 31346 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12



Only use approved barbecue lighters (such as Land-

mann  solid  firelighters);  never  use  petrol,  spirits  or 

other  substances  that  are  subject  to  deflagration 

when ignited.
Only use charcoal or barbecue briquettes as the fuel. 

We  recommend  using  quality  products  from  Land-

1.  Stack some charcoal or barbecue briquettes on the 

charcoal grid.

2.  Light one or two solid firelighters using a match. 

Place these firelighters on top of the layer of char-

coal or briquettes.

3.  Allow the solid firelighters to burn for 2 to 4 min-

utes. Then slowly fill the fire bowl with charcoal 

or briquettes.

  The  first  time  you  use  the  barbecue  allow  it  to 

heat  up  for  approximately  20  minutes  (with  the  lid 

closed) before adding any food; doing this will allow 

the food-safe coating to harden (as is the case with 

any oven).
4.  When  the  charcoal  or  briquettes  are  completely 

covered with a layer of ash, distribute them evenly 

in the fire bowl by using a suitable metal utensil 

(e.g. fire rake).

5.  Now  insert  the  greased  OptiHeat  cooking  grill 

and place the food to be cooked on top. Always 

wear barbecue mittens or gloves that protect your 

hands against the heat.

Switching off the barbecue

•  Plan ahead before barbecuing. Only use the fuel 

you need to prepare your food.

•  If you have finished preparing your food or want 

to temporarily interrupt the preparation process:


Close the ventilation slots under the fire bowl 

so that less oxygen is supplied to the embers.


Place the lid on the fire bowl so that the embers 

are covered.


Open the vents in the lid so that the heat can 



Do  not  leave  the  barbecue  unattended  while 

the fuel is still hot.


Never  pour  water  onto  the  hot  embers,  as  it 

will cause the water to evaporate in an explo-

sive manner.


Never dispose of hot embers. Leave them in the 

barbecue until they have cooled down.


 Danger:  Risk of burning when cleaning 

the hot barbecue

Some parts of the barbecue can become very hot. 

Allow  the  barbecue  to  cool  down  sufficiently 

before cleaning it. Wear protective gloves.

To make sure that you have many years of enjoyment 

with your barbecue you should always clean it after 

use - after making sure that all the parts have cooled 

down - with detergent, a brush and a cloth. This will 

be much harder to do later, once the soiling has dried. 

Environmental information 

and disposal measures

Pay attention to cleanliness when handling the bar-

To  dispose  of  the  barbecue  properly,  disassemble  it 

into its individual parts. Recycle the metal and plastic 

Observe the local regulations.


Please note the maximum permitted capacity of 

the  barbecue  with  regard  to  charcoal  and  bri-

quettes (see 'Technical specifications'). If the bar-

becue is overfilled it can result in damage.

Starting up the barbecue

Barbecue tips

Interesting  tips  for  direct  barbecueing  and  indirect 

cooking  are  listed  on  our  LANDMANN  website  at

Содержание 31346

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Страница 11: ...erally take longer than one hour The illustrations showing the assembly steps are at the end of this manual Danger Burns and fire During operation some parts of the barbecue can become very hot particularly those close to the fire bowl and the lid If a gust of wind enters the fire bowl it can cause flying sparks and or the formation of flames Possible consequences Severe burns from touching hot pa...

Страница 12: ...cess Close the ventilation slots under the fire bowl so that less oxygen is supplied to the embers Place the lid on the fire bowl so that the embers are covered Open the vents in the lid so that the heat can escape Do not leave the barbecue unattended while the fuel is still hot Never pour water onto the hot embers as it will cause the water to evaporate in an explo sive manner Never dispose of ho...

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Страница 24: ...24 31346 SW 10 23 19 14 34 15 15 3 4 C C C C C O C O 5 28 30 7 32 17 F F J J 18 31 6 28 30 32 17 28 ...

Страница 25: ...31346 25 SW 10 16 15 15 34 19 17 32 8 9 10 F J J F D D D 11 11 13 33 16 C C C 2 x M6x30mm D 33 ...

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Страница 27: ...31346 27 20 20 14 13 34 19 SW 10 33 16 15 G G G N N N N J J J J G 4 x M6x45mm G 10 ...

Страница 28: ...28 31346 16 10 B N N 17 E E E E I I I 35 B 10 7 ...

Страница 29: ...31346 29 4 3 M E E N N I I 18 6 6 5 19 6 6 5 1 2 3 ...

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