The display may show the following messages:
Battery Status
More choices are available and can be viewed by scrolling
up and/or down through the display.
Identifi es the current menu and information on units and
reagent systems if applicable.
In the data logging mode the number of the data point
is displayed and the total number of data points in the
memory will be shown. The footer also shows current time
and battery status
The colorimeter uses one type of tube (Code 0290) for all test factors.
The handling of the tubes is of utmost importance. Tubes must be clean and
free from lint, fi ngerprints, dried spills and signifi cant scratches, especially
the central zone between the bottom and the sample line.
Scratches, fi ngerprints and water droplets on the tube can cause stray light
interference leading to inaccurate results. Tubes that have been scratched in
the light zone through excessive use should be discarded and replaced with
new ones.
Tubes should always be washed on the inside and outside with mild detergent
prior to use to remove dirt or fi ngerprints. The tubes should be allowed to air-
dry in an inverted position to prevent dust from entering the tubes. Dry tubes
should be stored with the caps on to prevent contamination.
After a tube has been fi lled and capped, it should be held by the cap and the
outside surface should be wiped with a clean, lint-free absorbent cloth until it
is dry and smudge-free. Handling the tube only by the cap will avoid problems
from fi ngerprints. Always set the clean tube aside on a clean surface that will
not contaminate the tube. It is imperative that the tubes and light chamber be
clean and dry. The outside of the tubes should be dried with a clean, lint-free
cloth or disposable wipe before they are placed in the meter chamber.
Tubes should be emptied and cleaned as soon as possible after reading a
sample to prevent deposition of particulates on the inside of the tubes.
Variability in the geometry of the glassware and technique is the predominate
cause of variability in results. Slight variations in wall thickness and the
diameter of the tubes may lead to slight variations in the test results. To
eliminate this error the tubes should be placed in the chamber with the same
orientation each time.
Chambers which have been scratched through excessive use should be
discarded and replaced with a new one.
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