Manuel Technique OsmsoeurRO400C
Version 3
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Lamber thanks you for the confidence you have shown by buying one of its products.
Your water purifier is conceived to have a long life.
You will find into this manual all necessary information concerning installation, start, functioning, maintenance and repair
of the appliance.
Technical impossibilities
You have to connect the appliance to cold water from 2 to 25°C max.
Water hardness : 20° TH max. – Above 20° TH it is necessary to install a water softener.
Regulate water outlet at 0° TH
Water purifier’s feed water pressure with a capacity of 600 l/h minimum :
2 dynamic bars minimum
10 static bars maximum
Maximum conductivity of the water that you want to treat: 2000 µS/cm.
Ambient temperature of the room: 43°C maximum.
Do not make the distribution line where the purified water exits by copper or galvanized steel, but only by PVC or
stainless steel.
Application limits in glass washing
Champagne flûtes , beer glasses :
The absence of mineral deposits on the glasses prevents bubbles formation and foam stabilisation (possible solution:
use of pre-scored glasses or use of a diamond-point pencil, code SPDCTA, to score the glasses).
Particular drying case:
Rinsing with demineralized water (so with almost complete absence of surface-active product) produces a less good
drying result than with a non-treated water. So it is recommendable to think about a place and a time for baskets
storage. This place for storage of glass baskets should be well ventilated, so to have a good drying for evaporation
Detergents and surface-active products:
Manual dosing is not compatible.
Only a proportional dosing with products suited for purified water is effective.
Tests for dosing should be carried out whatsoever is possible together with the supplier of detergents and rinse aid