O & M Manual – Insulated Case ATS Rev: October 2020
Publication Number:
Version: V10.01.20
Page 72
Ground fault indication means that the display will show (non-flashing) “Ground Fault Detected”
on the Alarms screen; however, the operation of the transfer switch will not be interrupted, and
the mode of operation will not be changed.
Table 28 - Ground Fault Detected – Indication
Ground Fault Detected
Auxiliary Contacts Before Transfer – ACBT (Standard)
This option provides an additional timer, TDBT (Time Delay Before Transfer). This timer is
adjustable from 0 to 300 seconds, (5 mins), and is factory set at 10 seconds. It is initiated when
the switch is ready to transfer, both sources are available, and upon its completion, the transfer
will take place. After the transfer is complete, the ACBT output contact will remain in its present
state for another count of the time delay before the contact switches states. This is typically used
in elevator circuits but can be used in other applications where motor disconnection before transfer
is desirable. This timer is not initiated wherever there is a failure of either power source since its
implementation would only serve to delay a transfer to the available source.
A 2-pole relay, labeled "EC", is driven by a configurable FET Output (i.e.: "G" thru "L") from the
LSE8600 controller. Refer to the Unit specific drawings (XXXXXX-03) and connect to the relay
outputs shown on the drawing for the required "elevator controls".
While this timer is counting down, its status will be displayed on the HMI LCD display.
Table 29 – ACBT when Transferring to S2
S2 Available
Elevator Control
### V
#### A
### V
##.# Hz
Table 30 – ACBT when Transferring to S1
Wait for S2 Off Load
Elevator Control
### V
#### A
### V
##.# Hz