• Use unflavoured plain natural yoghurt, the freshest available with a long ‘Use By’ date.
The probiotics in the starter yoghurt are what helps turn the milk into yoghurt.
• If you make yoghurt regularly, save 125ml of unflavoured yoghurt from your last batch
to start your next. If you do this, ensure you don’t save it too long or the probiotics can
weaken and the yoghurt won’t set. We only recommend doing this for 2-3 batches
in a row. Then use a fresh starter.
• Yoghurt with flavouring or fruit in it, or a liquid yoghurt will not work as a starter.
• After boiling your milk, check with a cooking thermometer to make sure it has cooled to
the correct temperature.
• To make thicker yoghurt you can try adding 2 tablespoons of powdered milk to the milk
before boiling. Add more if you would like your yoghurt thicker.
• Yoghurt made with semi skimmed or skimmed milk will have a thinner consistency.
• Yoghurt can be made with other types of milk. You can experiment with evaporated,
goat’s, ewe’s, soya, almond or coconut milk instead of pasturised dairy milk. These milks
will take a longer time to make into yoghurt. Calories, fat content and flavour will vary
with the type of milk chosen.
– If experimenting with untreated, goat’s or ewe’s milk, bring to the boil and
simmer for 7 minutes before cooling.
– Long-life UHT, evaporated and powdered milk have already been treated and do
not need boiling. Use at room temperature, not straight from the fridge.
• Yoghurt will take longer to make in a cool, draughty room. If possible, choose a
draught-free position.
• Movement will cause separation and uneven texture so avoid moving the Yoghurt
Maker when in use and do not place it on top of a source of vibration e.g. fridge
or washing machine.
• Keep the Yoghurt Maker away from heat sources such as ovens and stovetops.
Do not place it on a shelf above a radiator.
• Tempting as it may be, do not lift the cover or disturb the Yoghurt Maker until it has
finished, this will disturb the yoghurt making process.