The lights on the display panel are not working.
Make sure the Yoghurt Maker is plugged into the wall socket and turned on.
Why is my yoghurt not the correct consistency?
The starter yoghurt may have been added to the milk before it had properly
cooled, which has killed the probiotics.
The yoghurt has a peculiar smell and is very thick.
The temperature could be too high or the time set for too long.
The ingredients used could be past their ‘Use By’ date, if in doubt,
do not eat the yoghurt.
The milk may not have been brought to a full boil before mixing the
starter in.
The yoghurt mixture may have been ‘over mixed’ before being put in the
Yoghurt Maker.
The Yogurt Maker may not have been turned on or set for the correct
amount of time. Try setting it for longer.
If you used yoghurt from a previous batch as a starter, you might have saved
it for too long. After a few days the probiotics in the previous batch can
weaken and could make a yoghurt with too liquid of a consistency. We
recommend only using the previous batch as a starter for 2-3 more batches.
You can freeze your home-made starter to make it last longer.
The yoghurt used as a starter may not be fresh enough and the probiotics
could have weakened too much to turn the milk to yoghurt.
The yoghurt starter needs to sit at room temperature before mixing it
with the milk.
The temperature in the room may be too low.
Why does my yoghurt taste strange?
The starter yoghurt or milk may have expired.
Flavoured yoghurt may have been used as a starter instead of plain yoghurt.
The yoghurt may have been left in the Yoghurt Maker too long and
Why is a liquid (whey) collecting on the surface of the yoghurt?
A little liquid is normal, you can mix it into the yoghurt or pour it off.
The milk may have been overheated causing it to separate.
The yoghurt may have been left in the Yoghurt Maker too long and
overheated. If there is a lot of liquid you can pour it off.
The Yoghurt Maker may have been mixed, moved or bumped during