Instruction LTC 11 Laing Innotech GmbH + Co. KG Althuette Germany
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The LTC table controller
Thank you for purchasing our Controller. The well-shaped controllers can be
easily mounted below a table top or into a crossbar of a height adjustable table. A
variety of control panels and control modes enables the user to find the optimum
solution for many applications.
This instruction will show how to install and how to operate the controller.
The LTC Controller series is designed and can be exclusively used to control
motors for the height adjustment of tables. Verify that the performance
parameters of the motors and the connections of the motors fit the parameters
and connections of the controller!
If used for other applications neither the function nor the safety can be ensured!
Therefore, such use is not permitted, and warranty will be voided if used in
applications outside the table height adjustment area.
Whom is this document prepared for
This document is an installation and operation instruction for the LTC series
Laing Table Controllers and its accessories. The document is dedicated to
manufacturers of height adjustable table frames and tables.
This document is not intended for end users!
Precondition for the use of this document
This document describes the installation and operation of the Controllers. It is
assumed, that the controller has been configured for the application in which it is
intended to be used! Program all parameters for the table the controller is
intended to be mounted to, before actual installation.
Do not install system before programming!
Safety instructions
There are no user serviceable or repairable parts inside the controller!
Do not open the controller. If opened, the warranty will be void.