Instruction LTC 11 Laing Innotech GmbH + Co. KG Althuette Germany
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the service technician will have full access to the controller. This in most cases
will avoid a service trip.
The Cloud Interface contains a GSM Modem what will establish the connection to
the internet, so the customer does not have to deal with the internet access.
The GSM modem of the Cloud Interfaces must be able to connect to the GSM
network. Should there be no network at the location of the controller the Cloud
interface must be connected to the Internet by a LAN cable using it’s RJ45
Connecting the cloud interface with the table controller
Unplug the keyboard (if any) from the bus connector of the controller and
plug it into one of the two RJ12 connectors of the Cloud interface
Plug the one end of the bus cable supplied with the Cloud Interface into
the bus connector of the controller and the other end into the other RJ12
connector of the Cloud Interface.
Connect the power supply supplied with the Cloud Interface to the mains
and plug the other end into the DC socket of the Cloud Interface
Call the service technician who provided the Cloud interface
Provide the service technician the ID number shown on the cloud interface
After receiving this number, the service technician will connect to the
Attention: The service technician is now able to move the table. Make sure
that, while the table is tested and adjusted, nobody will be close to the table
and that the table can move freely to avoid injury and damage!