1. Brief Introduction
This autoclave is automatic type steam sterilizer, which is very easy to operate. The parameters and conditions of the
program will be displayed automatically on the digital screen during the sterilization. If there
s problem, the autoclave will
alarm automatically. If there
s over-temperature or over-pressure, the autoclave will automatically cut off the power and
ensure the safety of operator. Inside the autoclave, there
s a waste water tank to collect waste water and vapor to ensure
they will not pollute the inner clean pipes.
2. Using Range
This autoclave can be used for medical purposes, e.g. In general medical practices, dentistry, facilities for personal
hygiene and beauty care and also veterinary practices. It is also used for materials and equipment which are likely to
come into contact with blood or body fluids, e.g. Implements used by beauty therapists, tattooists, body piercers and
Description of intended use
The sterilization of all wrapped or non-wrapped, solid, hollow load products type A and porous
products as represented by the test loads in standard: EN13060:2004+A2:2010
Type of this autoclave
Do not sterilize liquid!