LaCie 5big Network
LED Indicators
User Manual
page 58
Front LED Color
Rear LED Color
5big Network State
Blinking blue/red
(0.3s, 0.3s)
Activity LED for working disk(s)
Temperature alert (first level)
Solid red until it
goes to Stand by,
then OFF
Temperature alert (critic level) – the product will switch to stand by mode
Long red (2.5s),
short pause (0.25s)
Activity LED for working disk(s)
Fan is not rotating
7. Email Notification Triggers
RAID Manager
Download Machine
Fan Controller
1. Build started
1. Download completed
1. Fan failed
1. Error creating share
2. Build completed
2. Fan now works
2. No external devices de-
3. Spare active
3. High temperature
3. External device not yet
4. Spare failed
4. Critical temperature
4. Error copying
5. Disk failed/disappeared
5. Fan controller problem
5. Copy successful
6. No temperature sensed