General information about the manual
This manual is an integral part of the product.
Please read the manual before using the product.
Keep the manual available for the entire duration of the product’s life span.
Provide the manual to the next owner or user of the product.
Please report any errors or discrepancies related to this manual before commissioning
the device.
Markings and symbols used in this document
The following markings and symbols are used in this document.
The “<>” symbol signifies the setting parameter of a function. The user or device
replaces this symbol with the desired value. The angle brackets “<>” often contain a
short description of the setting in question.
Italicised and indented text is used to present messages entered by the user or sent by
the device.
Informative markings and symbols
This marking highlights essential information.
This marking refers to a user measure.
The structure of the setting and response messages is depicted in the form of tables where
the first column indicates the command in question and its parameters on separate rows.
The second column features a more specific description of the command in question and its
setting parameters.
Field legend
Telephone number setting command
End user numbers in international space-
delimited format.
Installation and Operating Instructions | idOil-30 3G, idOil-30 Battery 3G