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Original instructions
Labconco offers Protector
Fume Hood models installed with limit switches
for automatic Intelli-Sense Blower operation that change 3 speeds automatically
based off the sash position. The Intelli-Sense Blower low speed runs with the
rising sash from 0"-3", with the medium speed sash from 4"-19" and the high
speed sash from 20"-28"; the medium and high speed sash height positions can be
altered by 1" increments in the field between 15" and 20". The limit switches are
installed and wired per the automatic operation wiring diagrams in Appendix C.
The limit switches replace the manually operated 3-position switch. A Digital
Airflow Monitor on the Protector I-S Hood constantly monitors face velocity at
all speeds and sash positions to ensure proper hood operation. Note: The
integrated Protector I-S Hoods with limit switches are only available from the
factory due to the wiring complexity.
The integrated Protector I-S Hood models with limit switches automatically
regulate the Intelli-Sense Blower, but independent of any room controls. Room
controls such as room pressurization controls depicted in Appendix E are sold
separately and are not sold by Labconco. The Protector I-S Hood is primarily used
for small hood projects when the number of fume hoods cannot justify a complete
variable airflow volume system or VAV. The Protector I-S Hood alters the (RPM)
speed of the electronically commutated motor (ECM) blower wheel automatically
with the sash position to change speeds. Some VAV systems can degrade and
usually have annual service issues, but the Protector I-S Hood with Intelli-Sense
Blower is reliable with little maintenance as it has no belts, valves or sophisticated
controls systems. The reliable Intelli-Sense Blower has a rated bearing life of
50,000 hours (6 years) at full speed and a test life of over 150,000 hours (over 17