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Chapter 1:
Congratulations on the purchase of a Labconco CApture Portable Fuming
System. The CApture is unique, offering a self-contained, portable system
for developing latent fingerprints using the cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming
method. CApture has a solid state heater control, exhaust fan, and an
internal two stage filter to remove CA fumes at the end of the development
The Portable Fuming System offers many unique features to enhance
performance and flexibility. To take full advantage of them, please
acquaint yourself with this manual and keep it handy for future reference.
Because of its uniqueness, even if you are familiar using the CA fuming
method, please review both
Chapter 3:
Theory of Operation and Safety
Chapter 4: Using the System
; which describe the
’s features so that you can use it efficiently.
This manual and other technical information is available in PDF
format at our website: