13. Quick Start Tutorial
PLM+ SERIES Quick Start Guide rev 1.0.0
21. Repeat step 16 and 20 for the B module. On the Output EQ/Crossover, tap the Aux Output Functions
button on the menu bar and then tap LPF Enable button. Drag the Low pass filter control object on the
frequency slider just above the menu bar to an appropriate crossover frequency for the sub, e.g. 100 Hz.
22. Use the control options mentioned in 17 to tune your loudspeakers. For larger systems, modules can be
placed in groups (Groups menu from the MAIN page) for control of multiple units.
13.4. Rational Power Management™
Rational Power Management™ (RPM) is a unique Lab.gruppen feature that allows for flexible allocation of power
across channels of a PLM+. Power that is not used by one output channel is free for use by another output
channel with greater demands. RPM allocates power up to the total limits of the specific amplifier model. RPM
exists in two modes. See the image below.
PLM 12K44 - Amp channels power adjusted to match the loudspeaker requirements
3000 W
Output EQ control -
Add LPF/HPF and EQ filters and drag to adjust.