1 Equipment
Storing the A75D(E)
If the A75D(E) is to be stored for more than a few days after delivery, it should be stored within its shipping
container. The location chosen for storage should be within an ambient temperature of -40 to 185° F (-40 to
85° C) with a non-condensing relative humidity of 0 to 95%. Storage should not exceed 2 years due to the
limited shelf life of the DC filter capacitors when they are not in service.
Moving the A75D(E)
After careful inspection and upon verification that the A75D(E) is undamaged, identify the enclosure style and
weight of the A75D(E) unit. Refer to the table below.
Ampere Rating
12 ADC
16 ADC
20 ADC
25 ADC
30 ADC
24 VDC
4B75 Case
4B75 Case
4B75 Case
4B75 Case
4B75 Case
475 Case
82 lbs
92 lbs
98 lbs
100 lbs
104 lbs
130 lbs
(37 kg)
(42 kg)
(45 kg)
(46 kg)
(48 kg)
(59 kg)
48 VDC
4B75 Case
4B75 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
84 lbs
96 lbs
137 lbs
158 lbs
170 lbs
190 lbs
(38 kg)
(44 kg)
(62 kg)
(72 kg)
(73 kg)
(86 kg)
130 VDC
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
178 lbs
185 lbs
191 lbs
235 lbs
255 lbs
300 lbs
(81 kg)
(84 kg)
(87 kg)
(107 kg)
(116 kg)
(137 kg)
Table 1 - Case Type and Weight (6-30 ADC)
Ampere Rating
35 ADC
40 ADC
50 ADC
60 ADC
75 ADC
100 ADC
24 VDC
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
975 Case
975 Case
150 lbs
160 lbs
185 lbs
208 lbs
240 lbs
275 lbs
(69 kg)
(73 kg)
(84 kg)
(95 kg)
(109 kg)
(125 kg)
48 VDC
475 Case
475 Case
475 Case
975 Case
975 Case
975 Case
220 lbs
240 lbs
260 lbs
300 lbs
350 lbs
448 lbs
(100 kg)
(109 kg)
(118 kg)
(137 kg)
(159 kg)
(204 kg)
130 VDC
975 Case
975 Case
975 Case
72 Case
375 lbs
422 lbs
480 lbs
735 lbs
(171 kg)
(192 kg)
(218 kg)
(334 kg)
Table 2 - Case Type and Weight Table (35-100 ADC)
4B75 & 475
enclosures do not feature lifting eyes for moving. Instead, whenever possible move these
units with a forklift truck using the supplied shipping pallet. To hoist the unit into a wall-mount or rack-mount
location, use a heavy-duty sling applicable to the enclosure size and unit weight. To relocate the
4B75 & 475
enclosures, use the aforementioned sling on a hoist or forklift truck.