KeyAT-5 Keyboard Port Adapter
L3 Systems
Send a scan code
If you want to send a scan code without going into
scan code mode, then use the ~:nn command to
send the hexadecimal scan code value. This is
useful for function keys, arrow keys or any other
keys that don’t have an ASCII equivalent. See the
“Scan codes” table later on for valid scan codes.
~:nn Send Scan Code – This scan code nn.
(sends PgUp)
(sends Shift-PgUp)
Modifier Keys
The following commands allow you to prepend a
modifier key to a subsequent key. You can prepend
multiple modifiers to a single key. Capitalized
command letter specifies the left key, lower case
specifies the right key
~S Left, ~s Right Shift – Apply Shift to next key
~C Left, ~c Right Ctrl – Apply Ctrl to next key
~A Left, ~a Right Alt – Apply Alt to next key
~G Left, ~g Right Gui – Apply Gui to next key
(Sends a Shifted “A” key)
(Sends a Ctrl-X key)
(Sends an Right-Alt-F1 key)
(Sends a Shift-Alt-F2 key)
(Sends the Ctrl-Alt-DEL key)