KeyAT-5 Keyboard Port Adapter
L3 Systems
Help Command
Help -
~H displays a help list of the tilde prefixed
~@ Turn off commands
~L Set to Line mode
~I Set to Immediate mode
~R Set to Raw mode
~F CR Pass-trough mode
~A Alt preset for next char
~C Ctrl preset for next char
~S Shift preset for next char
~G GUI preset for next char
~H Display this help screen
~T Test Keyboard LED control
~V Display Version Info
~? Display LED Status
~:nn Scancode nn
~Znn Delay nn
~nn ASCII byte
^X Control-X
--- Mouse Commands ---
~Mxy Move mouse x and y
~Bnn Press Mouse buttons nn
Displaying Version
Version -
~V Displays firmware version.
KeyAT, V5.0x1, [C]L3 Systems, Inc. 2008-