Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Initial Issue
Dec. 01/06
Page 2–19
Text Messaging
Text messages include specific addressed messages, broadcast messages, and
safety messages. To send a particular type of message perform the steps as de-
scribed below:
Maritime Mobile Service ID: Nine digit unique identification number
0 = Default
Addressed: Enter MMSI
Transmit Channel:
Auto Select: Default
ChanA: Send on channel A
ChanB: Send on channel B
Chan A and B: Send on both channels
Safety Message Text to be Sent: Up to 156 alphanumeric characters
To send an addressed message, perform the following:
(1) Press MSG key (From any menu).
(2) Ensure the MMSI is highlighted.
(3) Press the ENT key, and enter the MMSI number of the ship to be addressed,
press the ENT key.
(4) Press the down arrow key to highlight “Mode” and press the ENT key.
(5) Using the down arrow key, highlight “Addressed”, and press the ENT key.
(6) Using the down arrow key, highlight the text portion of the screen, press the
ENT key, and type in the message.
(7) Press the MSG key to broadcast the message.
To broadcast a message, perform the following:
(1) Press MSG key.
(2) Verify that the MMSI number is a zero.
(3) If the MMSI is not a zero, press the down arrow key until the MMSI is high-
(4) Press the ENT key, and press the CLR key.
(5) Press the down arrow key to highlight “Mode” and press the ENT key.