Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Initial Issue
Dec. 01/06
Page 2–3
ProTec AIS Operation
The L-3 ProTec has been designed to require minimal user interaction during normal
operation. The interface consists of an integral alphanumeric display with alphanu-
meric keypad providing for data entry, retrieval and display.
Minimum Keyboard Display
The L-3 ProTec includes and integral MKD which is fully IMO compliant. The MKD is
designed to be used for configuration of the hardware, entry of vessel and voyage
specific data, and be used to monitor the AIS system. The MKD provides numerous
functions, which can be accessed via the controls located on the front face of the
ProTec AIS system. The MKD provides a fully functional menu structure that allows
the user to Logon / Logoff , configure System Information, Vessel / Voyage data, and
the Antenna Position. The user may also view Alarm Status, General Status, Down-
Time Log, and the Safety Text Log. In addition, the AIS Channels can be configured,
along with changing user passwords, setting Baud rate, adjust the LCD viewing
angle, and managing the Change Management Settings. The front face of the L-3
ProTec contains the following controls.
Figure 2–1. AIS Transponder